Sunday, April 17, 2011

Flight Day 3

Blue Dawn has crashed again during mission 2. The team has evaluated the situation and has decided that we are unable to rebuild before the last flight time.

Our final position will be posted once received.

This wraps up the 2010/2011 DBF team for UK. We appreciate all the support from students and faculty!

Flight Day 3

Rebuild plane has passed tech inspection. Waiting to fly mission 2 again!

Flight Day 3

Plane has been rebuild and is ready to fly.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Flight Day 2

During mission 2 the team suffered a crash. Currently rebuilding sections of the plane to fly tomorrow.

Flight Day 1

Successful Tech Inspection: Check!

Successful 1st Flight: Check!

Sweet Tan Lines: Check!

Pictures to be put up soon, and be sure to check out the slideshow below!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

DBF Competition 2011

Check back for Design Build Fly competition photos going on this week.

In Tucson!

We have successfully made it to Tucson, and all the aircrafts and supplies have made it safely! Time to unpack and get started.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Final Planes Getting Packed

We're just about ready to go, just a few more things to pack up. The planes are getting shipped in the morning, so wish us luck!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Test Flight - Blue Dawn

The team has completed the final competition Blue Dawn aircraft. "The Ninja" is ready for Tucson!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wind Tunnel Testing

The Propulsion team was finally able to use the wind tunnel to do some propeller testing. This video shows one such test.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


It's a little too soon to celebrate but we can successfully say that the as designed wings for this years plane can stand a 7G load! Check out the video to see the breaking of our wing.

Things are coming along well and hopefully we will have Prototype 1 flying soon!

The Structures Group.

UK DBF 2011

Once again the University of Kentucky has chosen to participate in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics's (AIAA) Design Build Fly (DBF) competition as a senior design project. The senior design group consists of 4 teams of 4 seniors- Structures, Aerodynamics, Propulsion, and System Integration.

This year's competition has a Military theme, including being a handed launched UAV.

This year's missions include:
  • Mission 1-Dash to a Critical Target
    • Distance: 4 minutes to complete maximum possible number of laps

    • Payload: Empty

    • Score: Team's Laps, Maximum Number of Lap's

  • Mission 2- Ammo Re-Supply
    • Distance: 3 Laps

    • Payload: 3x4 inch steel bar

    • Score: Bar Weight, Flight Weight

  • Mission 3- Medical Supply Mission

    • Distance: 3 Laps

    • Payload: Golf Balls

    • Score: Number of Balls, Maximum number of Balls

Other mission requirements include:
  • 3 hand launched attempts equal 1 flight attempt

  • 3/4 pound battery limit

  • The plane and payloads must fit into a commercially available carry on suitcase.

    • No one dimension can be greater than 22 inches

    • The sum of the dimensions cannot be greater than 45 inches.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Good luck to the 2011 and all future UK-DBF Teams

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


They're finally here!! The rules for the 2010/2011 DBF competition have been posted!! Stay tuned for information on next years team.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Its Been Fun, Its Been Real

We here at UK's Design Build Fly team would just like to say a few words to express our gratitude to everyone who contributed this year. Although the competition score may not reflect it, we were able to make great strides and improve tremendously. We were able to learn and apply more complicated plane building skills, and implemented a defined process for thrust component testing. We had a well designed plane, and hopefully next year's team will continue making leaps forward and take UK into the top 10!

Going forward we are scheduling flights for the missions we were not able to fly at the competition, and continuing to prepare for next year's team. For any prospective students out there that are on the fence or have questions, the team leaders from this year's team would be glad to field your questions:

Brady Doepke - Chief Engineer -
Michael Thamann - Aerodynamics Team Leader -
Jesse Downard - Propulsion Team Leader -
Joe Renfrow - Structures Team Leader -

Once again thanks for everything especially our sponsors - for without your help we could achieve nothing, and our team members - hopefully your hard work and late nights have been as rewarding as we hope, and you too Dr. Smith.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Official Score

The official scores were finally posted. Our final score for the competition was 36th overall.

There were 65 teams that showed at the competition and completed tech inspection, 46 of which had a successful scoring flight. The result was not what we had hoped but our team had made several improvements from last year, and we now know what we have to do keep improving for future teams.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Finally a scoring flight!

This morning we finally got called to fly again. This time we were prepared. The wind was calm and our plane was fast. We veered to the right during takeoff which led Brady to jam the throttle and caused a very short takeoff roll, but the plane handled it quite well. It quickly got up to speed and sped through the first turn but during the first reverse turn there was what seemed to be a stall causing a sudden dive, but Brady recovered nicely and sped through the rest of the flight. Our Final flight time was 1:28 which was one of the faster flight times for the mission.

Unfortunately that was the last opportunity we had to fly during the competition. the competition was officially ended with us 4th in line to fly . So unfortunately thats how it ended, with only one successful flight...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Competition Day 2

We returned this morning to be re-tech inspected and this time finally passed. While waiting to be re-inspected we happened to miss an opportunity to fly, so we had to wait until near the end of the day to fly. However, this didn't end as well as we'd planned either. Our motor controller got switched with one that not been programmed correctly so it prevented us from getting enough power to get off the ground. so end of day 2: still no flights.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Let The Games Begin!

Today was the first day of the competition, which consists of the tech inspection. Unfortunately it did not go as well as we'd hoped... the judges wanted us to reinforce a few parts of our plane so we had to return to the hotel to get it fixed up. We will have to return on Saturday to be re-tech inspected before we're able to fly...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Off To Wichita!

Wish us luck at the competition everybody!! We'll keep you posted about how everything's going!