Sunday, April 17, 2011

Flight Day 3

Blue Dawn has crashed again during mission 2. The team has evaluated the situation and has decided that we are unable to rebuild before the last flight time.

Our final position will be posted once received.

This wraps up the 2010/2011 DBF team for UK. We appreciate all the support from students and faculty!

Flight Day 3

Rebuild plane has passed tech inspection. Waiting to fly mission 2 again!

Flight Day 3

Plane has been rebuild and is ready to fly.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Flight Day 2

During mission 2 the team suffered a crash. Currently rebuilding sections of the plane to fly tomorrow.

Flight Day 1

Successful Tech Inspection: Check!

Successful 1st Flight: Check!

Sweet Tan Lines: Check!

Pictures to be put up soon, and be sure to check out the slideshow below!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

DBF Competition 2011

Check back for Design Build Fly competition photos going on this week.

In Tucson!

We have successfully made it to Tucson, and all the aircrafts and supplies have made it safely! Time to unpack and get started.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Final Planes Getting Packed

We're just about ready to go, just a few more things to pack up. The planes are getting shipped in the morning, so wish us luck!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Test Flight - Blue Dawn

The team has completed the final competition Blue Dawn aircraft. "The Ninja" is ready for Tucson!